Sign-up below to become a part of the Platoon Society, our treasured community of monthly donors supporting life-saving posttraumatic growth programs for our nation’s heroes.

Your partnership and loyalty makes a difference to members of the military, veteran and first responder communities every day.

When you join the Platoon Society you will:

  • Increase Boulder Crest’s impact through sustainable funding year-round
  • Have the satisfaction of knowing your generosity is supporting veterans and first responders as they transform their lives through posttraumatic growth programs
  • Receive a signed copy of Struggle Well after six consecutive months of giving
  • Receive an annual statement confirming your gifts for tax purposes
  • Have the flexibility to change or cancel your monthly gift at any time

Sign up today and join an elite group of monthly donors who are committed to making a difference in the lives of members of the active duty, veteran and first responder communities.

Proud to be a top-rated nonprofit organization
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Your contribution is tax-deductible and will automatically process monthly. If you prefer to make a one-time donation, please change your selection below to One-Time. One-time Donations do not enroll into the Platoon Society.

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What is their email address?
Optional. Write a personal note to the recipient.




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